It’s Not A Serum And It’s Not A Moisturiser. It’s Simply The Best Face Moisturiser You Will Ever Use.

Put aside everything you think you know about moisturisers, because we have created one of the most active, age defying, healing and rejuvenating moisturisers on the market, basically the best face moisturiser in Australia.
It is so potent, with new generation ingredients, that we almost packaged it as a serum, however, after months of trialling Vitality on ourselves, our staff, our clients and people just like you, the feedback was unanimous. Everyone loved it sooo much, they simply needed it in a larger size. And that’s exactly what we did! So now you can generously slap it on absolutely everywhere LOL.
So, what traditionally has differentiated a moisturiser from a serum?
Basically, moisturisers for dry skin tend to be heavier as they sit on the skin and protect your skin's delicate barrier, while (cosmeceutical) serums are fluid formulations with active, skin penetrating, cell changing ingredients, that depending on the strength of the serum, can prevent and even reverse skin concerns and skin damage.
As a Dermal Clinician I have always lived by the mantra “all you need is vitamin A, B, C and an AHA '' because, if your skin is correctly fed with all this gorgeousness, then you don’t need a moisturiser. Well, yes and no.
In a perfect world where there are no external factors that ravage our skin's barrier like, extreme weather conditions (yes, we live in Melbourne and you probably live somewhere in Australia, so you know exactly what I’m talking about), and internal aggressors like hormones, stress and medications - then this mantra would be true.
However, as vigilant as I have been with my serums, I do from time-to-time reach for my moisturiser. But I do need to add a disclaimer here, no matter if it’s the best hydrating moisturiser money can buy, I always apply my serums underneath.
So where does Vitality fit into your routine?
If you are on the anti-ageing war path like me, then no matter what moisturiser you use (even if you have the best moisturiser for dry skin), it simply isn’t enough. Yes I’m saying Vitality alone is not enough, if you are serious about defying your age - umm yes sign me up! You my friend, need the big guns, think; Ageless, Defend, Recharge and Fade. But on those days, where you do need a moisturiser on top of your serums, then this is your holy grail of moisturisers, because it is potent packed with anti-ageing heroes. And it will not only instantly hydrate your lackluster complexion and plump up those wrinkles, but it will also protect and enhance your serum's anti-aging, brightening and healing capabilities - so yes babe, you need this moisturiser.
Absolutely, unequivocally, yes! Oily skins need a moisturiser, but the right moisturiser. And just in case you haven’t heard or read my analogy about oily skins and moisturisers, then here it is…
Your skin is not only your largest living organ but it's a sensor to the outside world which constantly communicates to your body what's going on outside in the big scary world and how your skin needs to adapt accordingly.
So if you have oily skin and you skip your moisturiser in the morning, throughout the day your skin senses there is not enough skin barrier protection and tells your teeny tiny oil glands to produce more oil to cover your face in protective oils. It’s about at this point, lunch time, that you are a dripping oily mess reaching for your blotting papers. You didn’t moisturise did you!
But it doesn't end there. For oily and even problematic skins, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is going to be your best friend because it reduces oil flow in concentrations as low as 2%. And guess what…Vitality has 5% Niacinamide as its second ingredient! BOOM.
Well, I think it goes without saying, if Vitality is great for oily skin types and dry skin types then yes, it’s great for combination skin. Plus, the light yet super-hydrating consistency means there is no need to apply it to some areas and not others, you can use it everywhere, literally, over your eyes, lips, neck and of course your beautiful face.
But lastly and by no means least...
Vitality shines as the hybrid serum-come-moisturiser. It’s absolutely perfect for anyone new to skincare, as it’s not as active or exxy as serums. If your skin is sensitive or reactive, Vitality is also perfect as it’s healing and anti-inflammatory sea buckthorn and honey actives alongside vitamins B and C, energising Ubiquinone and sodium PCA and 3 weights of hyaluronic acid mean your skin will instantly look wonderfully vibrant, firm and plump and feel luxuriously soft and smooth.